[PolyORB-users] PolyORB / Mico oneway procedure interoperability?
Jerome Hugues
hugues at infres.enst.fr
Tue Sep 20 12:05:16 CEST 2005
Hi Rémi,
Re'mi Lafage (remi.lafage at cena.fr):
> I use PolyORB 1.2r as CORBA ORB with Mico ORB (2.3.7) on Linux Debian.
> I had no problem until I try to call a oneway procedure.
> I add a oneway_test function to my IDL (oneway void oneway_test())
> and I get the following logs on the PolyORB server side :
What is the tasking policy in use for your server ? Is it
PolyORB.Setup.Thread_Pool_Server ?
> The logs differ, there is no "polyorb.orb: Sync_None completed" in the
> second for instance.
> Any suggestion?
This might be a first track to follow.
Can you add debug on GIOP packages (polyorb.protocol.giop and its
children), and sends us the log you have ? This will help us to
analyze the data you received from MICO.
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