[PolyORB-users] PolyORB compilation on Windows

Jerome Hugues hugues at infres.enst.fr
Tue Oct 4 18:53:48 CEST 2005

Nichols-Webb, Cynthia O (SED/INV) (cynthia.nicholswebb at us.army.mil):

>   Here's the output from the compilation of run_script.adb.  It
> failed during the linking phase.  Is it necessary to complete the
> linking here, or is it ok to just return to the parent directory
> "polyorb-1.2r" and proceed with the "make" command?

The link fails because some library are not correctly set, this may
explain why GCC did not compile this package either.

I suggested this as a way to compile this package on cygwin. It fails,
which is unfortunate. I'm not a Windows person, so I cannot recommend
any other option.

Going any further with the compilation process will be of no use:
run_script is not compiled correctly ..


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