[PolyORB-users] PolyORB compilation on Windows

Jerome Hugues hugues at infres.enst.fr
Tue Oct 4 18:39:39 CEST 2005

Nichols-Webb, Cynthia O (SED/INV) (cynthia.nicholswebb at us.army.mil):

> Hello,

>   The requested output is attached.  The source files
> g-regist.ad[sb] are included in the
> c:/cygwin/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4/adainclude directory, but the
> files apparently did not get compiled with the release.  I also
> tried building GCC (C,C++,Ada) from scratch, but the files were not
> built then either, even when I added the "--enable-registry" option
> to the configure command.

OK, so this means there is an issue with the cygwin compiler

You might want to try the following, in support/ directory, run

    gnatmake -a -f run_script.adb -cargs -gnatwae -gnatg

This will force the compilation of run_script and all necessary 
runtime packages, including GNAT.Registry

Then, process with the standard compilation



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