[PolyORB-users] PolyORB compilation on Windows

Jerome Hugues hugues at infres.enst.fr
Tue Oct 4 18:07:37 CEST 2005

Nichols-Webb, Cynthia O (SED/INV) (cynthia.nicholswebb at us.army.mil):

>   Has anyone successfully compiled PolyORB 1.2r on a Windows
> platform?  I am attempting to do so using the precompiled binaries
> of the GCC version 3.4.4 that is available with the Cygwin
> environment.  Attached is a log file of the output from my
> compilation.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.

It seems that your compiler does not know about GNAT.Registry, which
is a bit strange ..

Can you please provide the following information

* contents of run_script.ali

* Result of

 ls c:/cygwin/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4/adalib/g-reg*




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