[PolyORB-users] cvs dsa example => POLYORB.COMM_FAILURE exception

Rod Kay rodkay at mullum.com.au
Fri Jul 22 12:00:35 CEST 2005


   I have joined an Ada project which hopes  to provide an online simulation 
of the near future, set in Sol's asteroid belt.

   We hope to use polyOrb and the dsa personality, but i am having a little 
trubble running the dsa example.

   i have built polyOrb from recent cvs, using a gcc built from the latest 
cvs. My OS is x86 mandrake linux 10.0.

   i also modified the cvs idl_fe-lexer.adb to 'cater' for a constraint_error 
when processing one of the idl files during 'make'.

   at line 1156, i added ...

               if New_Line_Number > 0 then
                  Current_Location.Line := New_Line_Number - 1;
                  Current_Location.Line := 0;
               end if;

   although i am not sure of the possible repercussions of this mod, the 
change allowed 'make' to complete on my system.

   i have built and can run the dsa example client and server, and hope i am 
within a gnat's wing of success (if you'll forgive the pun).

   the problem i have seems to be with the client and the server not being 
able to identify the name server.

   here is how i test the example and the results i get ...

   - cd to dsa example dir.
   - mkdir's po, serv, and cli.
   - cd to po
   - start po_cos_naming. this gives output of ...

Loading configuration from polyorb.conf
No polyorb.conf configuration file.
POLYORB_CORBA_NAME_SERVICE=corbaloc:iiop:1.2 at

   - then cd to ../serv
   - copy sample polyorb.conf to '.'
   - edit polyorb.conf to contain ...

name_service=corbaloc:iiop:1.2 at

   - running ../server seems to start up ok ... pauses for a minute or so ... 
and then fails with ...

Loading configuration from polyorb.conf

Execution terminated by unhandled exception

   the result is similar when i run the client example.

   i guess i have muffed the configuration somehow, or my networking setup is 

   most grateful, if anyone might offer some advice. free 1st class tickets to 
the asteroid belt available soon ;).

   also, there are several interested parties on the #ada irc channel 
(freenode server), including myself, most days.


(aka charlie on #ada).

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