[PolyORB-users] About naming_ior

Martin Krischik krischik at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Feb 23 17:49:14 CET 2005

Am Mittwoch, 23. Februar 2005 17:15 schrieb Jerome Hugues:

> Marc Colinet (m.colinet at 9online.fr):
> > How these "polyorb.conf" parameters must be initialized ?
> >
> > [corba]
> > #naming_ior=IOR:xxx
> Simply replace it with
> [corba]
> naming_ior=<the_ior_of_your_naming_server>
> Where <the_ior_of_your_naming_server> is the IOR returned, for example
> by po_cos_naming.

Hint: Newer PolyORB versions allow for corbaloc as well:

naming_ior=corbaloc:iiop:1.2 at

Which is a lot more usefull then the unreadable IOR hexdumps.

And beware: the naming service reads polyorb.conf as well which might lead to 
problems. Better start the naming service with its own configuration:

declare -x POLYORB_CONF=naming.conf

Have fun

Martin Krischik
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