[PolyORB-users] dsa CosNaming 'AlreadyBound' problem => polyorb.comm_failure

Jerome Hugues hugues at infres.enst.fr
Thu Aug 4 10:56:40 CEST 2005

Rod Kay (rodkay at mullum.com.au):

>    we have the polyOrb dsa demo running well when it is run locally on an 
> internal LAN.  
>            (ie  using my 'local' ISP assigned IP address as the default ).
>    polyorb.protocols.iiop.default_addr=  -- my 'local' IP addr
>    polyorb.protocols.iiop.default_port=2809
> ... for instance, works well.

Hey, that's good news !

>    the 'local' IP address, however, seems not to be 'visible' to anyone 
> outside of my local LAN.
>    my 'remote' IP address is 'visible' to outside parties, but when i start a 
> po_cos_naming server 
> using that address, and then start the dsa example server,  i receive a 
> polyorb.comm_failure.

Do you have other servers running on your box ? can you telnet on the
IIOP port ?

By local/remote, you mean you're using PPP, right ?

> polyorb.orb: Task main_task_08282820 executing: Operation: bind on object 
> Object reference: IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContext:1.0
>     Address :, Object_Id : 
> 4e616d65536572766963652f30303030303030323466463030303030303030
>     Address :, Object_Id : 
> 4e616d65536572766963652f30303030303030323466463030303030303030
>  with arguments in n = <Any:TK_ALIAS Name (IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/Name:1.0) 
> (IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NameComponent:1.0) { TK_ALIAS Istring 
> (IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/Istring:1.0) <TK_ALIAS:TK_STRING> id,  TK_ALIAS 
> Istring (IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/Istring:1.0) <TK_ALIAS:TK_STRING> kind }, 0 
> >>> in obj = <Any:TK_OBJREF Object (IDL:CORBA/Object:1.0)>
> polyorb.orb: ... requested by main_task_08282820
> polyorb.references.binding: Bind: enter
> polyorb.references.binding: Found profile: 
> polyorb.references.binding: Binding non-local profile
> polyorb.references.binding: Creating new binding object
> polyorb.binding_data.giop.iiop: Bind IIOP profile: enter
> polyorb.orb: Run_Request: Got an error when binding: COMM_FAILURE_E

Here, PolyORB cannot establish a connection, so the first step might
be to see if you can access other servers, e.g. Apache, telnet, ssh, etc



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