[PolyORB-users] Error passing float sequence to server
Jerome Hugues
hugues at infres.enst.fr
Mon Apr 11 16:19:48 CEST 2005
Hi Will,
Will Normand (wnormand at gmail.com):
Can you please detail your setup ? if you are using the CVS version,
you'll find the a form in doc/PROBLEM-REPORT-FORM
The relevant information are host, compiler version, version and
origin of PolyORB.
> I am receiving the following error:
> polyorb-sequences-unbounded-corba_helper.adb:117 range check failed
> This occurs when my client tries to call a procedure on the server.
> The procedure passes a sequence of floats to the server.
Humm, from the remaining of your post, it seems that the exception is
triggered on the client side, right ?
> >From the client code:
> declare
> Seq : Corbabenchmarks.FloatSeq;
> begin
> Seq := Corbabenchmarks.To_Sequence(Payload);
> Corbabenchmarks.Replace_Element(Seq, Payload, 1.0);
> Corbabenchmarks.Server.FloatIn(Myserver, Seq);
> end;
> The IDL file includes:
> module corbaBenchmarks {
> typedef sequence<float> FloatSeq;
> typedef sequence<long> IntSeq;
> interface Server {
> void floatIn(in FloatSeq data);
> void intIn(in IntSeq data);
> }
> }
> The strange thing is that this error only occurs with certain payloads
> (length of float sequence). The majority of sequence lengths work.
Can you please detail the values that cause this problem ?
Is there a threshold that triggers it ?
> This varies depending on which Name Server is used! I have tried
> po_cos_naming and the Orbacus Name Server.
> Also, even if the Server is no longer running --- though still
> registered on the Name Server, so a reference can be returned --- this
> error still occurs, so CORBA.COMM_FAILURE is not raised. So the error
> seems to occur in the call Corbabenchmarks.Server.FloatIn(Myserver,
> Seq), but before the procedure is actually called on the server.
and before the request is actually issued by the client, AFAICT
> Is this a bug with PolyORB? Does anyone have a solution?
We can tell more when you complete some elements, thanks
Best regards,
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