[PolyORB-users] Question about PolyORB.Binding_Data.Get_OA

Jerome Hugues hugues at infres.enst.fr
Wed Aug 11 09:22:34 CEST 2004

Vadim Godunko (vgodunko at rost.ru):

> Hello,
> In PolyORB.Binding_Data for Get_OA abstract function I find next comment:
>    --  Get the object adapter in which Profile's OID are stored.
>    --  Note that the returned Entity_Ptr cannot be modified nor
>    --  destroyed.
> Implementation of this subprogram for IIOP protocol always return RootPOA.
> What is correct?

Both of them are correct.

When using a PolyORB's POA, the OIDs are built using the Obj_Adapter
stored in RootPOA as root, see PolyORB.POA_Types for more details.

So, it is correct to say that OID are 'stored' in RootPOA.  Given an
OID and a reference on the "RootPOA", you can retrieve the
corresponding servant.


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