[gvd-users] (no subject)

Isak Johnsson gvd-users@lists.act-europe.fr
Thu, 22 May 2003 17:17:18 +0200

> A usual approach to display complex data structures is to define 
> 'print'
> functions in your executable, and call them from the debugger.
> In GVD, you could then do e.g. graph display `call print_stl (foo)`

Cool, it works! That would solve a lot of my problems. What is the best 
way to return structured data for viewing in GVD then? Is there any 
document I should read about this?

> I would indeed probably put more support for these in GDB itself, 
> since it
> would probably then come for free in GVD.

Yes, I'll research that a bit further to see if it is something that I 
could handle with my current level of knowledge.

Thanks for your help!
