[gvd-users] My first session on a supercomputer

Arjan van Dijk gvd-users@lists.act-europe.fr
Thu, 20 Mar 2003 17:06:35 +0100

>Do you have a special debugger for fortran90 or do you use gdb?

I just want to use gdb. Somehow in the menu File > Preferences > 
General there is no list of Fortran-extensions. I already used gvd on 
a different machine with fortran code, so I don't expect this to be a 
problem. Would it be a problem if I used a non-gnu compiler to make 
my executable from the Fortran sources? I used the MIPSpro 7 Fortran 
90 compiler, which is the default compiler that is activated by "f90".

Regards and thanks,


Arjan van Dijk
Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research Utrecht
Faculty of Physics and Astronomy
Utrecht University
Princetonplein 5
NL - 3584 CC  Utrecht
The Netherlands

phone: +31 30 2532815
fax:   +31 30 2543163
e-mail: mailto:A.vanDijk@phys.uu.nl
homepage: http://www.phys.uu.nl/~vndijk