[gvd-users] Suggestion: Please modify the bug dialogs

Preben Randhol gvd-users@lists.act-europe.fr
Thu, 19 Apr 2001 12:14:25 +0200

Arnaud Charlet <charlet@ACT-Europe.FR> wrote on 19/04/2001 (11:19) :
> > I'm using GVD 1.1.0-1 for Debian GNU/Linux and when I try to open an adb
> > file by clicking in the tree widget I get a dialog with a msg that there
> > is bug in GVD and that I should report this bug. The problem is that
> > this msg is severeal lines long containing a lot of of hex stack traces
> > numbers, and one cannot cut-and-paste it. 
> You can cut and paste the standard error of gvd that duplicates the
> same info.

Ah yes I see it when I run it in a terminal. I was starting gvd from a
menu and thus cannot see the stderr info.

> > It would thus be a big help if you could put this message in a
> > non-editable GTKText widget instead so that one can cut'n'paste it and
> > be sure that you report the right infor and haven't slipped up with a
> > couple of typos.
> Even better: the CVS version of GVD (future 1.2.0) puts this information
> in the log file itself.

:-) Still, it would be nice feature.

Another thing. Perhaps put a line in the dialog explaining where one
reports the bug to, I mean either an e-mail or URL. :-)

> Thanks, and please send your bug report now that you know how to cut and
> paste ;-)

Will do.

Preben Randhol ---------------------- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
+---+ "There was, I think, never any reason to  believe in any innate
| ! |  superiority of the male, except his superior muscle."
+---+      -- Bertrand Russell, Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind (1950)