[gvd-devel] Natural penis enlargement -without surgery-!
$ 19.95
Sun, 23 Sep 2001 05:03:37 -0500
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This is for adult men only !!!
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We are a serious company, offering a program that will enhance your sex
life, and enlarge your penis in a totally natural way.
We realize many men -and their women- are unhappy with their penis size. The
truth is that size matters, not only it affects many men's performance,
but their self-esteem as well.
Penis enlargement is POSSIBLE; just as you can exercise almost any part of
your body, you CAN exercise your penis.
Our program is totally PROVEN and GUARANTEED !!!
Our company has the techniques! Totally NATURAL techniques; no gadgets, no
pumps, no surgery!
If you want more information, please send an email with 'more info'in the
subject to:
info310us@yahoo.com -mailto:info310us@yahoo.com?subject=moreinfo-.. This is
an automated answer, for removal use s_health14@consultant.com.
If the above link has been removed, just reply to this message with 'more
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This IS NOT UNSOLICITED; you appear in an opt-in list, if in error, please
remove yourself. Please let those who suffer from erectile dysfunction,
similar problems or small penis size receive this information!
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