[gvd-devel] GVD with WindRiver Tornado, II

Jérôme Bertorelle jerome@pbc.com
Fri, 30 Mar 2001 19:56:53 +0200

> > [...] Setting a breakpoint and triggering it do not update the window=
> For the breakpoint, we have never this this behavior, so would need mor=
> details.

Here are some more details (sorry about the delay, I haven't much time 

	1) start a vxSim
	2) connect a windShell
	3) load an object file from the windShell:
	ld 1 < tstfpga.o
	=> there are undefined symbols, but it shouldn't be an issue as they're not 
used. Code compiled with -O0 for ease of debug.

	4) start the application from the windShell. This spawns a task handling the 
console with a basic text menu system.

	5) fire GVD
	5) attach system; info threads:
(gdb) info threads
  7 task 0x811e350   tExcTask    0xe7a60 in qJobGet ()
  6 task 0x81198b8   tLogTask    0xe7a60 in qJobGet ()
  5 task 0x80d67c0   tNetTask    0x74c2c in semBTake ()
  4 task 0x80d1618   tPortmapd   0x74c2c in semBTake ()
  3 task 0x80cdf40   tSnmpd      0x74c2c in semBTake ()
  2 task 0x80c1f08 + tWdbTask    0x6d930 in wdbSuspendSystemHere ()
  1 task 0x80b68b8   utadr       0x74c2c in semBTake ()

	6) attach to the thread running the menu: 
(gdb) attach 0x80b68b8
Detaching from system...
Attaching to task 0x80b68b8.
0x74c2c in semBTake ()

	7) set a breakpoint in one of the menu function:
(gdb) break utadr_menu.c:188
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8c4dc4: file 
/home/jerome/dev/cmts/cvs/test/ad/ut_tgt/ut_adr/utadr_menu.c, line 188.

	8) continue to let the menu task run:
(gdb) cont

	9) select a menu item. This properlly breaks:

Breakpoint 1, utmDisplayMenuOrSub (menu=0x8f3238, name=0x0) at 

	10) advance: the source window is not scrolled
(gdb) next
(gdb) next

	11) then step until we get into a sub-function:
(gdb) step
(gdb) step
(gdb) step
(gdb) step
utmDisplayMenuEntry (entry=0x8f3238, entryNbr=0x80b66a8, width=38) at 

	12) problem: the source windows is still not updated. But if I ask for the 
locals in the data display, the locals of the called function are properly 
(gdb) graph display `info locals`

	Hope this helps nail down potential issues. If you have test suggestions go 
ahead. I'll try to do them when I have some time (don't expect fast 
turn-around thought...).
