[gvd-devel] Bug in GVD 1.2.4

Cyrille Artho artho@inf.ethz.ch
Fri, 14 Dec 2001 13:12:17 +0100

With typedef'd structs in C, gvd reports the wrong data type for its
For example:

typedef struct component component;
typedef struct container container;
struct container {
	component foo;
	component bar;

Then gvd displays (for example if we have a variable: container cnt);

struct container
foo => container
bar => container

When it should show foo => component.
This is even wrong when the components are of a base type such as void
Cyrille Artho - http://artho.com/ - Tel. +41 - [0]1 - 632 09 88
The nice thing about standards is that there are so many
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		-- Andrew S. Tanenbaum