[gtkada] Compile GtkAda

Adam Puleo apuleo at cox.net
Sun Dec 2 19:27:40 CET 2018

Hello Pascal,

If I modify gtkada’s configure file according to the link you provided (https://github.com/AdaCore/gtkada/compare/master...Blady-Com:xnadalib-2018 <https://github.com/AdaCore/gtkada/compare/master...Blady-Com:xnadalib-2018>) the problem is fixed. Thank you.

What I did before was just hand edit gtkada.lexch and ran gprlib manually once and noticed that it was successful.

Configure did not find OpenGL so it was not activated.

To compile gtkada I executed the following commands:
$ git clone https://github.com/AdaCore/gtkada.git <https://github.com/AdaCore/gtkada.git>
$ cd gtkada
# Edited configure according to https://github.com/AdaCore/gtkada/compare/master...Blady-Com:xnadalib-2018 <https://github.com/AdaCore/gtkada/compare/master...Blady-Com:xnadalib-2018>
$ export PATH=/Users/adampuleo/opt/GNAT/2018/bin:/Users/adampuleo/gtk/inst/bin:$PATH
$ CC=/usr/bin/gcc ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
$ make
$ sudo make install

On Dec 2, 2018, at 3:39 AM, Pascal <p.p14 at orange.fr> wrote:

> Le 1 déc. 2018 à 20:33, Adam Puleo <apuleo at cox.net> a écrit :
> I did some more digging on this.
> When gprbuild generates the gtkada.lexch file it’s adding two lines:
> -Wl,-Wl,-framework
> -Wl,-Wl,CoreFoundation
> The repeated -Wl is causing the problems. If I edit gtkada.lexch file and remove one of the duplicate -Wl’s gprlib then runs successfully.

Hello Adam,

Could you share your modifications?

I've done also some changes available on Github:

Is it similar to yours?
Did you activate OpenGL?

Here is an extract from my howto (in French):

$ PATH=/usr/local/gnat/bin:$PATH
$ instxada=/usr/local/xnadalib-2018
$ PATH=$instxada/bin:$PATH
$ cd /usr/local/src-2018
$ git clone https://github.com/Blady-Com/gtkada.git
$ cd gtkada
$ git checkout xnadalib-2018
$ CPPFLAGS=-I$instxada/include LDFLAGS=-L$instxada/lib ./configure --prefix=$instxada --enable-build=Debug --disable-shared 
$ make
$ make install
$ cp -p po/build_skeleton.pl $instxada/bin

PS: you can download prebuilt GTKAda binaries on:

HTH, Pascal.

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