[gtkada] Cell_Renderer_Combo: how to act on characters typed to show match in combo

Rob Groen robgr at xs4all.nl
Thu Apr 26 19:48:29 CEST 2018

Not possible, There is no Get_Child for a GtkCellRendererCombo; it is a 
Gobject, not a GtkWidget.

On 26-Apr-18 13:41, Op de Coul, Manuel wrote:
> I see, then first try this, will be easier:
> Result := Gtk_Entry(Get_Child (MyRendererCombo));
> Cheers,
> Manuel
> *From:*Rob Groen [mailto:robgr at xs4all.nl]
> *Sent:* donderdag 26 april 2018 13:30
> *To:* Op de Coul, Manuel <Manuel.op.de.Coul at uniper.energy>
> *Cc:* gtkada at lists.adacore.com
> *Subject:* Re: [gtkada] Cell_Renderer_Combo: how to act on characters 
> typed to show match in combo
> Hoi Manuel,
> Thanks for your answer. The thing is, I don't have a GtkCombo, instead 
> it is a GtkCellRendererCombo. On the latter I can't do a Get_Entry. 
> However, when googling on this topic, I found a hint: connect the 
> renderer to signal "edited-started", in the handler one of the params 
> is a GtkEditable. I suppose that is the entry I need to do what you 
> suggest.
> Regards, Rob
> On 2018-04-26 11:52, Op de Coul, Manuel wrote:
>     Hoi Rob,
>     with Gtk.Entry_Completion; use Gtk.Entry_Completion;
>           Result : Gtk_Entry;
>           List   : Gtk_List_Store;
>           Compl  : Gtk_Entry_Completion;
>           Iter   : Gtk.Tree_Model.Gtk_Tree_Iter;
>           Gtk_New (List, GType_Array'(GType_String, GType_String));
>     --example with two columns
>     -- fill this list with your items for example:
>                 Append (List, Iter);
>                 Set (List, Iter, 0, "item 1");
>     --create your combo box and renderer(s)
>     --create the entry completion
>           Result := Get_Entry (The_Combo);
>           Gtk_New (Compl);
>           Set_Model (Compl, Gtk.Tree_Model.Gtk_Tree_Model(List));
>           Set_Text_Column (Compl, 0);
>           Set_Text_Column (Compl, 1);
>           Set_Property (Compl, Text_Column_Property, 0);
>           Set_Inline_Completion (Compl, True);
>           Set_Popup_Single_Match (Compl, False);
>           Set_Completion (Result, Compl);
>           Unref (List);
>           Unref (Compl);
>           Combo_Box_Callback.Connect (The_Combo, "changed",
>             Combo_Box_Callback.To_Marshaller
>     (On_The_Combo_Changed'Access));
>     --end
>     Greetings,
>     Manuel
>     -----Original Message-----
>     From: gtkada-bounces at lists.adacore.com
>     <mailto:gtkada-bounces at lists.adacore.com>
>     [mailto:gtkada-bounces at lists.adacore.com
>     <mailto:gtkada-bounces at lists.adacore.com>] On Behalf Of Rob Groen
>     Sent: woensdag 25 april 2018 9:20
>     To: gtkada at lists.adacore.com <mailto:gtkada at lists.adacore.com>
>     Subject: [gtkada] Cell_Renderer_Combo: how to act on characters
>     typed to show match in combo
>     Hello,
>     With a Cell_Renderer_Combo in a Tree_View I would like to act on
>     typed characters and show the nearest match in the Combo. The
>     Cell_Renderer_Combo has the property Has_Entry_Property set to True.
>     However, I don't see an appropriate signal to react on, nor any
>     way to get to the entry and associated buffer; that is needed to
>     show the non-typed part of the match as being selected.
>     How can I do this with Gtkada?
>     Regards
>     Rob Groen
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