[gtkada] Tasking with GtkAda

Dmitry A. Kazakov mailbox at dmitry-kazakov.de
Fri Mar 17 13:52:35 CET 2017

On 17/03/2017 01:41, Oliver Kellogg wrote:

> We changed the program so that the Ada tasks put their widget update
> requests into a protected-object based queue,

You cannot use a queue because in a large number of cases return values 
and side effects are needed at the caller's point.

The protected object must act rather as a rendezvous with the main task.

P.S. It would be nice if GtkAda generated wrappers checked if the 
caller's task ID is one of the main task and otherwise used a 
wait-for-timer mechanism. At least they could drop an exception. 
However, I understand it might be too much work.

Dmitry A. Kazakov

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