[gtkada] Passing context objects to handlers via Register_Handler

R. Tyler Croy tyler at monkeypox.org
Thu Jan 12 09:45:13 CET 2017

(replies inline)

On Thu, 12 Jan 2017, Emmanuel Briot wrote:

> > I *believe* that this isn't working as I would like because
> > Gtkada_Builder_Record isn't a tagged type. From my understanding,
> > procedure/function signatures using Gtkada_Builder_Record'Class would gladly
> > accept my extended (and tagged) record, if the "parent" were to be tagged.
> It is a tagged type, since it extends a tagged type.
> >    arun.adb:56:16: expected type "Gtkada_Builder" defined at gtkada-builder.ads:84
> >    arun.adb:56:16: found type "Arun_Builder" defined at line 40
> >    gprbuild: *** compilation phase failed
> Gtk_New specifically expected a Arun_Builder, so you can???t give it another type.
> Instead:
>     Builder := new Arun_Builder_Record;
>     Gtkada.Builder.Initialize (Builder);
> should do the trick.

THat did work, thanks. I guess I didn't follow the
Gtk.Builder.Gtk_Builder_Record hierarchy enough up to GObject_Record.

- R. Tyler Croy

     Code: <https://github.com/rtyler>
  Chatter: <https://twitter.com/agentdero>
     xmpp: rtyler at jabber.org

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