[gtkada] Ada I'm having a problem with Iterate

Roger Mc Murtrie rogermc at grapevine.com.au
Wed Oct 5 05:08:18 CEST 2016

Hello Emmanuel,
	Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?
I've successfully used Iterate quite often before but the attached code won't work and I can't figure out why.
Presumably something obvious that I'm blind to!

No matter what I try, compiling numbers.adb produces:
numbers.adb:24:48: expected access to subprogram "Ada.Containers.Vectors." from instance at numbers.ads:17
numbers.adb:24:48: found type access to procedure "Show_Two_Numbers" defined at line 24

I've almost completed my LWO2 parser but I'm stopped in my tracks by this which I only need for diagnostic and checking purposes!

By the way, I've just discovered you Ada Gems of the week which are excellent.


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