[gtkada] Help needed creating custom gtkada widget

Brent Seidel brentseidel at mac.com
Tue Jan 12 16:52:17 CET 2016

Thanks Dmitry,

It now runs and I get a message from the put_line in the draw routine so I know that it’s getting properly called.  After some googliing, I discovered that you can add “—gtk-debug all” on the command line and get a bunch of information.  Saving it to a file and searching for “bbs_dial” suggests that the widget size is getting set to 0x0.  I think that I am getting closer to figuring this out…


> On Jan 11, 2016, at 1:54 PM, Dmitry A. Kazakov <mailbox at dmitry-kazakov.de> wrote:
> Here, fixed initialization. So far that the thingy starts, no further.
> bbs_widget_dial.ads -------------------------------->
> with Ada.Text_IO;
> with Gtkada.Types;
> with Gtk.Main;
> with Gtkada.Builder;
> with Gtk.Widget;
> with Gtk.Misc;
> with Gtk.Level_Bar;
> with Gtk.Progress_Bar;
> with Gtk.Drawing_Area;
> with Gdk.Window;
> with Glib;
> use type Glib.Gdouble;
> use type Glib.Gint;
> with Glib.Object;
> with Cairo;
> package bbs_widget_dial is
>   type bbs_dial_record is new Gtk.Drawing_Area.Gtk_Drawing_Area_Record with private;
>   type bbs_dial is access all bbs_dial_record'class;
>   function  Get_Type return Glib.GType;
>   procedure gtk_new(self : in out bbs_dial);
>   procedure initialize(self : not null access bbs_dial_record'class; minimum : float; maximum : float);
>   procedure setup(self : not null access bbs_dial_record'class; minimum : float; maximum : float;
>                  parent : Gdk.Gdk_Window);
>   procedure draw(self : in out bbs_dial_record'class);
>   procedure set_value(self : in out bbs_dial_record'Class; value : Float);
>   procedure Get_Preferred_Height
>      (self         : not null access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record;
>       Minimum_Height : out Glib.Gint;
>       Natural_Height : out Glib.Gint);
>   procedure Get_Preferred_Height_For_Width
>      (self         : not null access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record;
>       Width          : Glib.Gint;
>       Minimum_Height : out Glib.Gint;
>       Natural_Height : out Glib.Gint);
> --   procedure Get_Preferred_Size
> --      (Widget       : not null access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record;
> --       Minimum_Size : out Gtk_Requisition;
> --       Natural_Size : out Gtk_Requisition);
>   procedure Get_Preferred_Width
>      (self        : not null access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record;
>       Minimum_Width : out Glib.Gint;
>       Natural_Width : out Glib.Gint);
>   procedure Get_Preferred_Width_For_Height
>      (self        : not null access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record;
>       Height        : Glib.Gint;
>       Minimum_Width : out Glib.Gint;
>       Natural_Width : out Glib.Gint);
> private
>   type bbs_dial_record is new Gtk.Drawing_Area.Gtk_Drawing_Area_Record with
>      record
>         min : Float;
>         max : Float;
>         value : Float;
>      end record;
>   klass : aliased Glib.Object.Ada_GObject_Class := Glib.Object.Uninitialized_Class;
>   function draw_dial(Self : access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; context : Cairo.Cairo_Context) return boolean;
> end bbs_widget_dial;
> bbs_widget_dial.adb -------------------------------->
> package body bbs_widget_dial is
>   function Get_Type return Glib.GType is
>   begin
>       Glib.Object.Initialize_Class_Record
>         (Ancestor     => Gtk.Drawing_Area.Get_Type,
>          Class_Record => Klass,
>          Type_Name    => "bbs_dial",
>          Signals      => Glib.Object.No_Signals,
>          Parameters   => Glib.Object.Null_Parameter_Types);
>      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Dial get_type called");
>      return Klass.The_Type;
>   end;
>   procedure gtk_new(self : in out bbs_dial) is
>   begin
>      self := new bbs_dial_record;
>      initialize (self, 0.0, 10.0);
>      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Dial allocated");
>   end;
>   procedure initialize(self : not null access bbs_dial_record'class; minimum : float; maximum : float) is
>   begin
>      Glib.Object.G_New(Object => self,
>                        Typ    => Get_Type);
>      self.min := minimum;
>      self.max := maximum;
>      Gtk.Drawing_Area.Initialize(self);
>      self.On_Draw(draw_dial'access, True);
>      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Dial initialized");
>   end;
>   procedure setup(self : not null access bbs_dial_record'class; minimum : float; maximum : float;
>                  parent : Gdk.Gdk_Window) is
>   begin
>      self.min := minimum;
>      self.max := maximum;
>      self.Set_Window(parent);
>      self.Set_Has_Window(True);
>      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Dial setup");
>   end;
>   procedure draw(self : in out bbs_dial_record'Class) is
>   begin
>      self.Queue_Draw;
>   end;
>   procedure set_value(self : in out bbs_dial_record'Class; value : Float) is
>   begin
>      self.value := value;
>      self.Queue_Draw;
>   end;
>   procedure Get_Preferred_Height
>      (self         : not null access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record;
>       Minimum_Height : out Glib.Gint;
>       Natural_Height : out Glib.Gint) is
>   begin
>      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Dial get preferred height");
>      Minimum_Height := 100;
>      Natural_Height := 100;
>   end;
>   procedure Get_Preferred_Height_For_Width
>      (self         : not null access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record;
>       Width          : Glib.Gint;
>       Minimum_Height : out Glib.Gint;
>       Natural_Height : out Glib.Gint) is
>   begin
>      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Dial get preferred height for width");
>      Minimum_Height := 100;
>      Natural_Height := 100;
>   end;
> --   procedure Get_Preferred_Size
> --      (Widget       : not null access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record;
> --       Minimum_Size : out Gtk_Requisition;
> --       Natural_Size : out Gtk_Requisition);
>   procedure Get_Preferred_Width
>      (self        : not null access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record;
>       Minimum_Width : out Glib.Gint;
>       Natural_Width : out Glib.Gint) is
>   begin
>      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Dial get preferred width");
>      Minimum_Width := 100;
>      Natural_Width := 100;
>   end;
>   procedure Get_Preferred_Width_For_Height
>      (self        : not null access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record;
>       Height        : Glib.Gint;
>       Minimum_Width : out Glib.Gint;
>       Natural_Width : out Glib.Gint) is
>   begin
>      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Dial get preferred width for height");
>      Minimum_Width := 100;
>      Natural_Width := 100;
>   end;
>   function draw_dial(Self : access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; context : Cairo.Cairo_Context) return boolean is
>   begin
>      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Dial drawing");
>      Cairo.Translate(context, 100.0, 100.0);
>      Cairo.Set_Line_Width(context, 1.0);
>      Cairo.Set_Source_Rgb(context, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
>      Cairo.Arc(context, 0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 0.0, 6.28);
>      for x in 0 .. 9 loop
>         Cairo.Rotate(context, Glib.Gdouble(6.28/10.0));
>         Cairo.Move_To(context, 0.0, 40.0);
>         Cairo.Line_To(context, 0.0, 50.0);
>         Cairo.Move_To(context, -5.0, 60.0);
>         Cairo.Show_Text(context, Integer'Image(x + 1));
>      end loop;
>      Cairo.Stroke(context);
> --      Cairo.Rotate(context, Glib.Gdouble(bbs_dial_record(self).value*6.28/10.0));
>      Cairo.Set_Source_Rgb(context, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
>      Cairo.Move_To(context, 0.0, -10.0);
>      Cairo.Line_To(context, 5.0, 0.0);
>      Cairo.Line_To(context, 0.0, 40.0);
>      Cairo.Line_To(context, -5.0, 0.0);
>      Cairo.Line_To(context, 0.0, -10.0);
>      Cairo.Stroke(context);
>      return True;
>   end;
> end bbs_widget_dial;
> test_bbs.adb ------------------------>
> with Ada.Exceptions;   use Ada.Exceptions;
> with Ada.Text_IO;      use Ada.Text_IO;
> with Gdk.Event;        use Gdk.Event;
> with Gtk.Box;          use Gtk.Box;
> with Gtk.Button;       use Gtk.Button;
> with Gtk.Window;       use Gtk.Window;
> with Gtk.Widget;       use Gtk.Widget;
> with bbs_widget_dial;  use bbs_widget_dial;
> with Gtk.Main;
> procedure Test_BBS is
>   Window : Gtk_Window;
>   Box    : Gtk_VBox;
>   Dial   : bbs_dial;
> begin
>   Gtk.Main.Init;
>   Gtk.Window.Gtk_New (Window);
>   Window.Set_Title ("Test BBS");
>   Gtk_New_VBox (Box);
>   Add (Window, Box);
>   Gtk_New (Dial);
>   Box.Pack_Start (Dial);
>   Window.Show_All;
>   Gtk.Main.Main;
> exception
>   when Error : others =>
>      Put_Line ("Fatal error: " & Exception_Information (Error));
> end Test_BBS;
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