[gtkada] Help needed creating custom gtkada widget
Dmitry A. Kazakov
mailbox at dmitry-kazakov.de
Mon Jan 11 18:45:30 CET 2016
On 2016-01-11 18:03, Brent Seidel wrote:
> Hello all,
> I may have bitten off more than I should chew at this point. Most of my Ada experience was scattered through the 90s until I recently discovered the free GNAT and GPS tools. I also haven’t used GTK before, but have done a bit of GUI programming on the Mac (classic and OS X).
> What I would like to do is to create a custom widget that displays a value using a dial. I’ve been able to do the drawing on a Drawing_Area widget. The problem comes when I try to bundle it up into its own widget. I get the following results:
> **
> Gtk:ERROR:gtkwidget.c:12314:gtk_widget_real_realize: assertion failed: (!_gtk_widget_get_has_window (widget))
> Execution terminated by unhandled exception
> Exception name: PROGRAM_ERROR
> Message: unhandled signal
> Load address: 0x10148a000
> Call stack traceback locations:
> 0x1015529d5 0x7fff9251cf18
> This appears to happen when I make the call to Gtk.Window.Show_All(temp);
> The spec for my widget is:
> with Ada.Text_IO;
> with Gtkada.Types;
> --use type Gtkada.Types.Chars_Ptr_Array;
> with Gtk.Main;
> with Gtkada.Builder;
> with Gtk.Widget;
> with Gtk.Misc;
> with Gtk.Level_Bar;
> with Gtk.Progress_Bar;
> with Gtk.Label;
> with Gdk.Window;
> with Glib;
> use type Glib.Gdouble;
> use type Glib.Gint;
> with Glib.Object;
> with Cairo;
> package bbs.widget.dial is
> type bbs_dial_record is new Gtk.Misc.Gtk_Misc_Record with private;
There is Gtk_Drawing_Area_Record for that. Then you do widget and widget
class initialization wrong.
The error reported tells that the widget does not have a window where
you could draw. This is due to improper initialization.
> I’m sure that there’s a bit of “cargo-cult” programming in there. I’ve looked online to find tutorials and instructions, but they tend to be vague, incomplete, or incorrect.
> I would be really appreciative if someone could offer a bit of assistance (I expect that once I know the trick, it will seem obvious).
You can take a look how dial widgets are implemented in cairo here:
Or you could simply assemble your dial from existing elements (layers)
provided there.
Dmitry A. Kazakov
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