[gtkada] gtkada Digest, Vol 113, Issue 6
Rob Groen
robgr at xs4all.nl
Mon Jun 30 18:08:06 CEST 2014
What I just tried, is replacing the Get_String with the following (sorry
for the code snippet):
function My_Get
(List_Store : access Gtk_List_Store_Record'Class;
Iter : Gtk.Tree_Model.Gtk_Tree_Iter;
Column : Gint) return String
V : Gvalue;
Get_Value (List_Store, Iter, Column, V);
Result : constant String := Get_String (V);
Unset (V);
return Result;
end My_Get;
Then, using the unpatched Set from GtkAda 3.8, the problem does not
appear!!! Could it be that Get_String is the problem ...?
regards, Rob
PS, I will try this also on a Linux machine, but I need more time for
that (next weekend at the earliest)
On 2014-06-30 17:39, Emmanuel Briot wrote:
>> I applied the patch on Win7-64, i.e. I declared and used a procedure My_Set with the same code as in the patch, but the problem persists.
> Which after all is not so surprising. Our own code in GPS is full of tree models
> where we set strings, and those work across platforms with no issue.
> Sorry I can't help you more here, I have no clue where the problem is, but
> likely not in GtkAda after all...
> regards
> Emmanuel
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