[gtkada] Bug in glib-types.ads

Emmanuel Briot briot at adacore.com
Fri Jun 13 08:33:55 CEST 2014

> Bug in glib-types.ads :
>   procedure Class_Unref (T : GType);
> should be :
>   procedure Class_Unref (C : GObject_Class);
> As per gnome doc
> https://developer.gnome.org/gobject/2.40/gobject-Type-Information.html#g-type-class-unref
> void
> g_type_class_unref (gpointer g_class);
> However, this bug should not concern many applications as this function is not widely used. (only a possible memory leak)

The argument to g_type_class_unref is really a GTypeClass*, which is a pointer to a

struct _GTypeClass
  /*< private >*/
  GType g_type;

Later on we have

struct  _GObjectClass
  GTypeClass   g_type_class;

Based on C's nice (hum) unsafe casts, a GTypeClass* therefore can be used as a GType*, so I think the
GtkAda binding is actually correct here.
On the whole, I am now too sure why we actually bound that procedure at all, I think it is useless for
all applications (there are no memory leaks here, since this function will be called automatically by
gtk+ whenever it is needed, unless you specifically did a Class_Peek before.


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