[gtkada] Eeeeeeeeeeeeeek!

Chris Sparks mr_ada at cox.net
Sun Jul 21 09:20:05 CEST 2013

Where is this?  I don't see this in any GDK file?


> On Sat, 20 Jul 2013 21:21:19 -0700, you wrote:
>> I am not seeing expose events, which is usually what kicks off the
>> drawing of objects.  Well at least in my code.
>> Anyone have a clue?
> Exposed event was ditched.
> It is the "draw" event now. The handler is also a function but the
> parameters are different:
>     function Draw
>              (  Widget  : access My_Widget_Record'Class;
>                 Context : Cairo_Context
>              )  return Boolean;

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