[gtkada] fresh gtkada install > not showing icons?

Zanders, Maarten maarten.zanders at barco.com
Thu Jul 4 11:29:18 CEST 2013


I'm about to check out GtkAda (whilst learning Ada) and installed the latest versions of gnatgpl (2013, i686) and gtkada-gpl-3.4.1-nt. I'm running Windows 7.

Whenever I run any of the included gtk applications, they don't show up properly. See attached screenshot how glade shows up after installing. The functionality is OK when you use the buttons, it's just that they don't show up untill you hover above it. Not the easiest way to learn your new toolset :-)   The demo application behaves in a similar way. GPS is OK.

I tried reinstalling and have the impression that after this, the font changed as well (not sure though), the icons keep on doing strange stuff though.

Anyone got an idea?


Maarten Zanders - Barco Belgium

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