[gtkada] Status

Stéphane LOS slos at hilscher.com
Tue Jul 2 17:40:44 CEST 2013

Hello Mister SETTON,

Le 02/07/2013 11:57, Nicolas Setton a écrit :
> Hello,
>> I am new to GtkAda but I am quite used with gtkmm :
>> http://slo-ist.fr/hilscher/netic-netic-test-tool
>> I am also new to Ada and learning it through my GMGPLed project "Ada for Automation" :
>> http://slo-ist.fr/ada4autom
>> Of course, I would like to have some GUI for it using GtkAda.
>> I have sent an email which remains unanswered :
>> http://lists.adacore.com/pipermail/gtkada/2013-June/004260.html
>> When learning Ada, a language designed with quality in mind, one expect the test / demo applications to just work out of the archive.
>> So I am a little bit disappointed with my experience.
>> As I was saying in my previous email :
>> The glade thing does show the buttons in the toolboxes only when the mouse flies over them, it is unusable.
> We have fixed this in the development version. Stay tuned for future updates on <http://libre.adacore.com/tools/gtkada/>.
Fine, will it be announced via the list ?

>> The testcairo.exe works fine.
>> The testgtk.exe does not do what it is intended to. Looking at it it seems that it uses deprecated stuff, like in "gtkbuilder_example.xml" :
>> <interface>
>>   <requires lib="gtk+" version="2.14"/>
>> <!-- interface-naming-policy toplevel-contextual -->
>>   <object class="GtkWindow" id="window1">
>>     <signal name="destroy" handler="on_window1_destroy"/>
>>     <signal name="delete_event" handler="on_window1_delete_event"/>
>>     <child>
>>       <object class="GtkVBox" id="vbox1">
>>> I don't understand the above.
In :
E:\Ada\GtkAda\3.4.2\share\examples\gtkada\testgtk\create_builder.adb or 

one can find :
    Default_Filename : constant String := "gtkbuilder_example.xml";
    --  This is the file from which we'll read our UI description.

This file contains :
  <requires lib="gtk+" version="2.14"/>
I would expect something like "3.xx".

And it seems to me that HBox and VBox are now deprecated.

>> When comparing what is here :
>> http://docs.adacore.com/gtkada-docs/gtkada_rm/gtkada_rm/
>> with :
>> file:///E:/GNAT/2013/GtkAda/share/doc/gtkada/gtkada_rm/index.html
>> I can see that the GtkExtra stuff is gone.
>> I cannot find anything related in :
>> file:///E:/GNAT/2013/GtkAda/share/doc/gtkada/gtkada_ug/index.html
>> Could someone tell what is the status of GtkExtra ? Is it work in progress or definitely dead ?
> As far as I understand, GtkExtra has not yet been ported to Gtk3, so not much we can do for now.
I understand.

>> I am willing to help if I can. I could try to fix some little bugs if someone knowledgeable can drive my effort.
>> I am not complaining. If we want people new to Ada to enjoy it we have to iron out those nasty bugs and I want to help.
>> Thank you to let me know if there is another attempt to this and how we could work together.
> We are definitely welcoming patches. A good place to start might be testgtk: feel free to give details on what you would like to contribute, and we can take it from there.
Since I was swimming a little I have decided to bite some smaller piece 
of code and I have started with the simplest example I could find in 
your svn tree :

It almost compile fine excepted in hello.adb (if I comment it out it 
compiles and runs fine) :
       Handlers.To_Marshaller (Gtk.Widget.Destroy_Cb'Access),

"Gtk.Widget.Destroy_Cb" does not exist. Instead there is a 

But this one gives the following result :
> gnatmake -d 
> -PE:\Ada\GNAT\Projects\examples\tutorial\helloworld\helloworld.gpr 
> -XLIBRARY_TYPE=relocatable
> gcc -c -gnat05 -I- -gnatA 
> E:\Ada\GNAT\Projects\examples\tutorial\helloworld\src\hello.adb
> hello.adb:78:15: no candidate interpretations match the actuals:
> hello.adb:78:49: expected type "Handler" defined at 
> gtk-marshallers.ads:395, instance at gtk-handlers.ads:909, instance at 
> hello_package.ads:35
> hello.adb:78:49: found type access to procedure "Destroy" defined at 
> line 78
> hello.adb:78:49:   ==> in call to "To_Marshaller" at 
> gtk-handlers.ads:945, instance at hello_package.ads:35
> hello.adb:78:49:   ==> in call to "To_Marshaller" at 
> gtk-handlers.ads:940, instance at hello_package.ads:35
> hello.adb:78:49:   ==> in call to "To_Marshaller" at 
> gtk-handlers.ads:935, instance at hello_package.ads:35
> hello.adb:78:49:   ==> in call to "To_Marshaller" at 
> gtk-handlers.ads:930, instance at hello_package.ads:35
> hello.adb:78:49:   ==> in call to "To_Marshaller" at 
> gtk-handlers.ads:926, instance at hello_package.ads:35
> hello.adb:78:49:   ==> in call to "To_Marshaller" at 
> gtk-handlers.ads:922, instance at hello_package.ads:35
> hello.adb:78:49:   ==> in call to "To_Marshaller" at 
> gtk-handlers.ads:918, instance at hello_package.ads:35
> hello.adb:78:49:   ==> in call to "To_Marshaller" at 
> gtk-handlers.ads:914, instance at hello_package.ads:35
> gnatmake: 
> "E:\Ada\GNAT\Projects\examples\tutorial\helloworld\src\hello.adb" 
> compilation error
> [2013-07-02 17:36:27] process exited with status 4 (elapsed time: 01.24s)

I am afraid I have to say that it is not clear to me how the handlers / 
marshallers are working... or not.

Thank you for your kind support.

> Best regards,
> Nicolas

Best Regards,

Stéphane LOS
slos at hilscher.com
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