[gtkada] Surprised by the changes to GTK 3.0

Nicolas Setton setton at adacore.com
Mon Jul 1 15:21:21 CEST 2013

Hello Chris,

> I have been using GTK 2.x for a while and going to the 3.0 version really messed up years of personal software development.  I was wondering if anyone has a reference to how one converts from the 2.0 series to the 3.0 series?

Yes, the GtkAda manual has a chapter about this, "Transitioning from GtkAda 2 to GtkAda 3". This contains an overview, and a package-by-package transition guide.

You can also refer to the Gtk+ documentation at:


> Very unhappy about this.

I understand the frustration, this is a bullet we've all had to bite!

For having gone through this in GPS, the most impacting change from the application developer's perspective was switching all the low-level drawing from Gdk to Cairo - the rest is fairly mechanical.


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