[gtkada] bug in function Gtk.Main.Check_Version (gtkada 2.24.10)

François FABIEN francois_fabien at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 23 17:21:41 CET 2013


Working with version 2.24.10, the behavior of Gtk.Main.Check_Version 
when the check is OK is incorrect.
>    --  Return value: %NULL if the GTK+ library is compatible with the 
> given
>    --  version, or a string describing the version mismatch.
In fact, it should return an Empty String instead when compatible.

Presently, when check is OK throws an exception 
Yous should check  if
     Internal (Required_Major, Required_Minor, Required_Micro)

is null, before taking the Value.


F. Fabien.

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