[gtkada] Gtk.Builder Invalid object type error.

Pascal p.p14 at orange.fr
Wed Dec 11 22:01:57 CET 2013

Hello, when using Gtk.Builder, I’ve got "Invalid object type” error.
Configuration: GTKAda GPL 2013 on MacOS 10.9.

You can reproduce the error with the example extract from teskgtk provided with GtkAda.
(See attach zip file)
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$ ./main 
Error [Create_Builder.On_Button_Clicked]: Invalid object type `GtkTable'

The tricky thing is that the exemple works in testgtk !?
In fact, if the GtkTable object has been already initialized there is no more issue.
See : http://markmail.org/message/x6lavzyivqqk7n2i

What about other configurations?

Regards, Pascal.

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