[gtkada] Build from source code

John Marino adacore at marino.st
Mon Aug 19 08:44:04 CEST 2013

On 8/19/2013 01:48, Ludovic Brenta wrote:
> If you're still interested, start here for Debian: http://www.debian.org
> and http://people.debian.org/~lbrenta/debian-ada-policy.html
> I'm not sure which BSD John has worked the most on and thus would
> recommend for an Ada programmer.

Lately I'm concentrating on FreeBSD ports, which is shared by both
FreeBSD and DragonFly BSD.  Both of these are in great shape with
basically the latest versions available to GNAT FSF 4.7 compilers.

The NetBSD pkgsrc system is also in good shape but contains far few Ada
packages.  There was very little interest by the OpenBSD community for
Ada so I never carried it further than porting the compiler.

Therefore I recommend either FreeBSD or DragonFly for Ada on BSD.


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