[gtkada] learning GtkAda

Gour gour at atmarama.net
Fri Oct 26 11:32:00 CEST 2012

On Fri, 26 Oct 2012 11:11:55 +0200
"Dmitry A. Kazakov" <mailbox at dmitry-kazakov.de> wrote:

> You have to remember that GTK is more than GUI, it encompasses a
> large set libraries some of which have nothing to do with graphics.
> e.g. glib or gio. So GtkAda is necessarily incomplete, but you should
> not worry about that most of the time. (Some of the things missing in
> GtkAda you find in the GtkAda contributions.)

Sure...that's something which I expect from the bindings provided by
higher-level language and it's similar to Python, Haskell etc.
> You should likely read GTK tutorials first in order to understand GTK
> fundamentals. Essential are packing, signals/events, the object model
> and reference counting, the GTK's MVC. 

Thank you.

> Rosetta Code 
>    http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code
> has many short samples of GUI tasks implemented in GtkAda which you
> can study.

Wonderful...thank you very much for the link.

> GtkAda user guide is helpful to learn how GtkAda bindings work, but
> it is too sketchy regarding GTK itself. You will not use it much
> because GtkAda design is easy to understand by reading package
> specifications. It is Ada, after all. (:-))


Although not really started (I plan to start with wikibook, Ada Craft
book and soon buy Barnes), I really wonder how is it that I was
fiddling with some half-done languages/environments in the past and
haven't discovered Ada earlier. :-(

> GtkAda reference manual is for your daily work. Look for an older
> version (from 2.14), which is more comfortable to use.


> You will need to refer to the official GTK/glib/... RMs time to time.
> You fill find a strong correspondence between GtkAda and the RMs.

OK. It's also nice to see that GtkAda provides some other extra
features like "takes care of all the memory management for you".


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