[gtkada] Library TP7-Ada announcement and call for help.

Pascal p.p14 at orange.fr
Thu Feb 16 22:22:00 CET 2012

Hello, here is Turbo Pascal 7 library port in Ada.

The very first aim was to provide a help for ports of Turbo Pascal program in Ada.
Thus it can be combined with P2Ada translator.

The version 1 was based on Mac bindings Carbon-Ada.

The version 2 is based on graphic library GTK-Ada, then it is multi-plateforme ;-)
More over it can be used as a basic multi-purpose library for simple graphic stuff.
Basic but quite complete and easy to use as original library was ;-)

By the way, it provides an embedded text console, see:

With few lines you can operate a full text terminal:
1	with TP7.System;
2	with TP7.Crt; -- if you comment this line then I/O use stdinout
4	procedure Hello_GTKAda is
5	   use TP7, TP7.System;
6	   N : Byte;
8	begin
9	   Write ("How many hello ? ");
10	   Readln (N);
11	   for I in 1 .. N loop
12	      Writeln ("Hello with GTKAda console.");
13	   end loop;
14	end Hello_GTKAda;
See :

The complete code is here:

Well at this step I need some help as all stuff is not completely functionnal see TurboPascal7.0-Ada.html
Extract of remaining issues:
a) How to write vertical text with Pango?
b) How to manage color palette with Cairo?
     A modification in display palette modifies the corresponding color on screen.
c) How to display a pixel with a given color?
d) How to get the color of a pixel?

Enjoy it and thanks for helping improving it, Pascal.

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