[gtkada] Changes in GtkAda 2.24
Op de Coul, Manuel
Manuel.op.de.Coul at eon.com
Wed Aug 8 17:32:19 CEST 2012
>> In my code is this statement:
>> Return_Callback.Connect(Get_Popup_Window(Oct_Combo),
>> "unmap_event", On_Combo_Unmap_Event'Access);
>>But the Get_Popup_Window function has been removed from the Gtk.Combo package, why?
>Get_Popup_Window is no longer part of gtk+ 2.x apparently. I think we might have been accessing the private field "popup" before, but since it is private we were not really >meant to do that.
Luckily, I found another way to obtain an event, which is cleaner too:
"select-child", On_Select_Child_Event'Access);
>I do encourage you to migrate to the new gtk_combo_box, indeed, since gtk_combo has completely disappeared now in gtk+-3.
Yeah that's too bad! I also regret the removal of gtk_option_menu. Because you can set tooltips on each individual choice
which you can't with Gtk.Combo_Box.
>Opening bugs with the gtk+ developers is indeed the way to go (though I suspect they will not look at bugs against gtk+ 2.x, only gtk+ 3.x)
Good tip, thanks.
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