[gtkada] improvements to the GtkAda build system

John Marino adacore at marino.st
Mon Feb 14 21:36:26 CET 2011

Björn Persson wrote:
> As I mentioned a week ago, I've been working on improvements to the GtkAda 
> build system that I need for cleaning up the GtkAda package in Fedora. The 
> patch I'm using in Fedora is made for GtkAda 2.14.1, and works as intended as 
> far as I've been able to test it. The patch in this message is intended to be 
> the equivalent patch for the current Subversion trunk, but it's not so well 
> tested. Testing is hampered by a compilation error that I don't have time to 
> investigate at the moment:
> testcairo_printing.ads:51:07: not subtype conformant with operation inherited 
> at line 42
> testcairo_printing.ads:51:07: type of "Op" does not match

I ran into this problem a couple of months ago.  The problem is that
GNAT FSF can't compile it, but GNAT PRO can.  Nicholas Setton helped me
develop the attached patches, and these patches are in both pkgsrc and
FreeBSD's port system (the latter still being evaluated.)

I was going to bring this up as a separate topic.  Since it's now known
that GNAT FSF can't compile gtkada, why not apply these patches to the
code base?

Do people really want a patch to be required for FSF GNAT to compile GTKAda?


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