[gtkada] GtkAda Agony Documented

Rick Duley rickduley at gmail.com
Sat Jun 27 11:44:02 CEST 2009

Those of you who have been tormented over past weeks by my endless questions
can take heart.  I have documented the learning experience.

"Gadget: Building a Compound Widget with GtkAda" is on-line at
AdaSafeHouse.webs.com.  Follow the links to
GtkAda Programming -> Examples.
 So, the next time someone like me is pestering, send them there.  It isn't
perfect, but it should help.

BTW:  I have another project in mind, so it's not over yet. :)

Rick Duley
North Perth,
Western Australia
                                    /     \
                              perth *_.-._/
aussie : 0409 106 049
o'seas : +61 409 106 049
"Wise men profit more from fools
     than fools from wise men;
for the wise shun the mistakes of fools
      but fools do not imitate
                the successes of the wise."
                   Marcus Cato (234-149 BC)
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