[gtkada] ANN: GtkAda contributions v2.2

Dmitry A. Kazakov mailbox at dmitry-kazakov.de
Mon Jun 30 21:06:48 CEST 2008

The library extends GtkAda. It deals with the following issues:

    * Tasking support;
    * Custom models for tree view widget;
    * Custom cell renderers for tree view widget;
    * Multi-columned derived model;
    * Extension derived model (to add columns to an existing model);
    * Abstract caching model for directory-like data;
    * Tree view and list view widgets for navigational browsing of abstract
caching models;
    * File system navigation widgets with wildcard filtering;
    * Resource styles;
    * Capturing resources of a widget;
    * Embeddable images;
    * Some missing subprograms and bug fixes;
    * Measurement unit selection widget and dialogs;
    * Improved hue-luminance-saturation color model;
    * Simplified image buttons and buttons customizable by style
    * Controlled Ada types for GTK+ strong and weak references;
    * Simplified means to create lists of strings.


This new version is based on freshly released GNAT GPL 2008 and
GtkAda.2.10.2. Other issues:

   * In order to improve security Gtk.Persistent_Storage_Browser wipes
password strings it creates before their deallocation;
   * Columned tree model Gtk.Tree_Model.Columned_Store contains Is_Ancestor
and Is_Descendant functions;
   * Gtk.Tree_Model.Columned_Store also supports a mode without a reference
   * The extension tree model Gtk.Tree_Model.Extension_Store supports
reference model change;
   * The procedure Get_Directory_Cache is added to
   * Procedure Set is added to GLib.Object.Weak_References;
   * Bug fix in GLib.Object.Strong_References and Weak_References;
   * Get_Current_Object, Get_Current_Storage, Get_Path added to

Dmitry A. Kazakov

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