[gtkada] how to print a value with 16 bit precision

Damien Carbonne aetdcarbonne at free.fr
Thu Jun 12 07:08:39 CEST 2008


You are simply using default parameters of Put here:
   procedure Put
     (Item : Num;
      Fore : Field := Default_Fore;
      Aft  : Field := Default_Aft;
      Exp  : Field := Default_Exp);

and Default_Aft is defined like that :
   Default_Aft  : Field := Num'Digits - 1;

As Long_Float has 15 digits, that explains the 14 printed ones.

So you need to set Aft to the right value.
It could be like that:
Put (Foo) -> Put (Foo, Aft => 16);


nabh4u a écrit :
> Hello everyone,
> Gurus i need help. I am new to Ada programming. It is very urgent, please
> help me. i have to submit this by tomorrow. I have a small project where i
> compute the machine epsilon and i have to print the value with a 16 bit
> precision. I have tried long_float and i am getting 14 bit precision but i
> want a 16 bit precision. i have also tried to use type but was not
> successful.
> my code is:
> with Ada.Text_IO,Ada.Integer_Text_IO,Ada.Long_Float_Text_IO;
> use Ada.Text_IO,Ada.Integer_Text_IO,Ada.Long_Float_Text_IO;
> Procedure Eps is
> eps:Long_Float := 1.0;
> epsp1:Long_Float;
> pass:Integer := 0;
> cnt:Long_Float := 1.0;
> Begin
>      New_Line(1);
>      Put("*** Computing Machine Epsilon using Ada Language ***");
>      New_Line(2);
>      epsp1 := eps + 1.0;
>      Put("       Pass ");
>      Put("     ");
>      Put(" Machine Epsilon Value ");
>      New_Line(2);
>      while(epsp1 > cnt) loop
>           pass := pass + 1;
>           eps := 0.5 * eps;
>           epsp1 := eps + 1.0;
>           Put(pass);
>           Put("      ");
>           Put(eps);
>           New_Line;
>      end loop;
>      New_Line;
>      Put("Final Eps Value : ");
>      Put(eps);
>      New_Line;
>      Put("The Value of 1+eps+eps+eps+eps+eps+eps is : ");
>      Put(cnt + eps + eps + eps + eps + eps + eps);
>      New_Line;
>      Put("The Value of 1+(eps+eps+eps+eps+eps+eps) is : ");
>      Put(cnt + (eps + eps + eps + eps + eps + eps));
>      New_Line(2);
> End Eps;

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