[gtkada] ANN: GtkAda contributions v2.1

Dmitry A. Kazakov mailbox at dmitry-kazakov.de
Sun Feb 10 21:44:00 CET 2008

It deals with the following issues:

- Tasking support;
- Custom models for tree view widget;
- Custom cell renderers for tree view widget;
- Multi-columned derived model;
- Extension derived model (to add columns to an existing model);
- Abstract caching model for directory-like data;
- Tree view and list view widgets for navigational browsing of abstract
caching models;
- File system navigation widgets with wildcard filtering;
- Resource styles;
- Capturing resources of a widget;
- Embeddable images;
- Some missing subprograms and bug fixes;
- Measurement unit selection widget and dialogs;
- Improved hue-luminance-saturation color model;
- Simplified image buttons and buttons customizable by style properties;
- Controlled Ada types for GTK+ strong and weak references;
- Simplified means to create lists of strings.


Changes to the version 2.0:

- Gtk.Tree_Model.Columned_Store package was added to provide derived
columned models;
- Gtk.Tree_Model.Extension_Store package was added to provide derived
models by adding new columns to the base model;
- Gtk.Abstract_Browser package was added to provide abstract caching tree
view models of directory-like hierarchies of items. It also provides
specialized tree view widget for rendering directory tree structures and
columned directory items.views;
- Gtk.Directory_Browser package provides an implementation of caching tree
view model interfacing with Ada.Directories and a MS-Explorer-like widget
to work with;
- Gtk.Persistent_Storage_Browser package provides an implementation of
caching tree view for browsing persistent object storages;
- Get_Column_No was added to Gtk.Missed for obtain the column number from
- Get_Row_No was added to Gtk.Missed for obtain the row number from
- Compare, Is_In, Is_Parent were added to.Gtk.Missed for comparisons of
tree model's paths and iterators. The comparison is null-/Null_Iter-safe;
- Get_Column was added to Gtk.Missed  to deal with Gtk_Tree_View_Column
parameters of event handlers;
- Keyval_To_Unicode and Unicode_To_Keyval were added to Gtk.Missed;
- Get_Application_Name was added to Gtk.Missed;
- Gtk.Enums.String_Lists was added for matching wildcard patterns;
- Set_Log_Trace was added to Gtk.Main.Router.GNAT_Stack for tracing GLib
log messages;
- Gtk.Recent_Manager package was added to interface GtkRecentManager;
- Set_Object was added to GLib.Values.Handling for storing an object into a

Dmitry A. Kazakov

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