[gtkada] License question

Damien Carbonne aetdcarbonne at free.fr
Sat Oct 27 00:30:29 CEST 2007

Thanks to all of you for answers.

I think I should ask AdaCore directly !
It seems that current license is OK for Stefan that does not need to use 
Gdk.Cairo or RSVG.
I noticed that gtkada_contributions, made by Dmitry A. Kazakov (and 
others ?) is licensed under
GMGPL. So it seems it is possible to do this, but here again, I don't 
know the legal implications.

Thanks again

Jeff Creem a écrit :
> Stefan Bellon wrote:
>>> 2) It promotes 'free' software.
>>> 3) Releasing as GMGPL only helps AdaCore customers (since only they
>>> can really exercise the right). By releasing bindings as pure GPL
>>> that AdaCore may want/need to release a similar products  of in the
>>> future you get to create some FUD and confusion about the license
>>> and copyright ownership of any of these similar bindings. That seems
>>> like a good thing.
>> This sounds a bit like anti-AdaCore attitude and does not really help.
>> You can as well look at it from the other point of view: If he released
>> the whole of CairoAda under pure GPL (which is not at discussion right
>> now, if I understand correctly, but just the Gdk and RSVG part), then
>> AdaCore customers were not able to use his work
> It is not anti AdaCore any more than their decision to change the 
> license on the publicly available version from GMGPL to GPL was anti non 
> 'free' SW purist developer. (And to be clear, as I stated in the past, 
> they were/are well within their rights to do what they did). The dual 
> license model they selected is based on a business decision and AdaCore 
> has every right (and if publicly traded, responsibility) to maximize 
> profit in an ethical manner and certainly the license change is ethical.
> I am just pointing out that as a developer from the outside when acting 
> in a role that is not as an AdaCore customer, if the current license 
> situation of freely available AdaCore software is not to your liking 
> then putting yourself in a position where you feel as if you are 
> exposing yourself to legal risk (whether you are or are not actually 
> doing so) only to help AdaCore does not really make a lot of sense. In 
> the end of course because AdaCore gives so much more to the community 
> than we give back it is is really an empty gesture....but it is a 
> reasonable option.
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