[gtkada] how to get the window to which a menu is attached ?

Thomas De Contes d.l.tDeContes at free.fr
Sun Nov 25 15:12:16 CET 2007

hi :-)

i don't find how to get the window to which a menu is attached,  
although it's easy for a toolbar for example

mainWindow : Gtk_Window;
Menubar : Gtk_Menu_Bar;
Menu_Fichier : Gtk_Menu_Item;
Menufichier_Menu : Gtk_Menu;
Item_Nouv : Gtk_Image_Menu_Item;

Add (mainWindow, Menubar);
Append (Menubar, Menu_Fichier);
Set_Submenu (Menu_Fichier, Menufichier_Menu);
Append (Menufichier_Menu, Item_Nouv);

which Widget exactly is given by

Get_Toplevel(Item_Nouv)		-->	i expected Menufichier_Menu
Get_Parent(Get_Toplevel(Item_Nouv))		-->	i expected Menu_Fichier
Get_Toplevel(Get_Parent(Get_Toplevel(Item_Nouv)))		-->	i expected  

Get_Submenu(Item_Nouv)		-->	i expected Menu_Fichier
Get_Toplevel(Get_Submenu(Item_Nouv))		-->	i expected mainWindow

Get_Parent(Item_Nouv)		-->	i expected Menufichier_Menu
Get_Submenu(Gtk_Menu_Item(Get_Parent(Item_Nouv)))		-->	i expected  
Get_Toplevel(Get_Submenu(Gtk_Menu_Item(Get_Parent(Item_Nouv))))		-->	 
i expected mainWindow


and then, how to get mainWindow from Item_Nouv ?

oops, the reverse of Set_Submenu is not Get_Submenu :-(
but there is one, isn't it ?

j'agis contre l'assistanat, je travaille dans une SCOP !

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