[gtkada] Re: GtkAda Windows

Camek, Alexander Alexander.Camek at Elektrobit.com
Fri Mar 30 10:43:44 CEST 2007


> Ok, then you should add it there, or the information which 
> should be there directly in the above location. Without the 
> linker options it's obvious that you get those errors when 
> linking a DLL that depends on GtkAda.
> > I found out by sourcecode diff, that in the Gtkada Pro 
> version (from 
> > adacore), i use on my linux system, there are these linker 
> options set.
> Yes, they should be there.
> > But in the GPL Version here on my Windows system there are 
> no linker 
> > options in the gpr file, only some pragma Linker_Options in 
> the main 
> > Gtkada file.
> This sounds similar like in old Pro versions. I always 
> removed the pragmas from gtk.ads and added them (with 
> corrected filenaming!) to the project file in the Linker_Options.
> Oh, this rings another bell! With versions prior to GtkAda 
> 2.8.2 you had to compile your own GtkAda DLL as the one 
> shipped by AdaCore was not suitable for linking DLLs. The 
> GtkAda DLL shipped with GtkAda 2.8.2 works out of the box.

Okay, but it is a little bit tricky. The source code says its version is
2.4.2, i downloaded from adacore.
In the installer version which i use the version is said to be 2.8.0
> You have to differentiate between three different kinds of "GtkAda
> libraries":
> * the GtkAda DLL itself which contains the object files from 
> the Ada code.
> * the libgtkada.a which contains the object files from the 
> GtkAda C glue
>   code (already pre-compiled in the Windows distribution).
> * the Gtk+ DLLs
> In versions prior to 2.8.2, the Gtk+ DLLs where shipped in 
> bin, the C glue code archive was shipped in lib/gtkada (I 
> think?) and the main GtkAda DLL had to be compiled by yourself.


> If you are using GtkAda < 2.8.2, then yes, you have to build 
> the DLL for yourself if you want to link DLLs against GtkAda.

So it looks like that i have to compile the dll on my one, because the
libgtkada.dll is missing in the bin dir.
Can you give me a briefing how to do that. Have i to build the whole
from the sources or can I use the installer version?
Tried already to do a gnatmake on the gtkada.gpr, but didn't get any
Must I add to the gtkada.gpr the whole library_options and all other
library settings?
By the way, i have got two versions of gtkada.gpr files shipped with the
installer version. One in the include path and the other one in the lib
Which one has to be used?

Thanks for your help.

Greetins Alexander
(thought that with a installer version all should be fine :) )

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