[gtkada] GtkAda & OpenGL / GLUT on Windows XP.

Poul-Erik Andreasen poulerik at pea.dk
Wed Mar 7 13:46:49 CET 2007

Schroeer, Joachim Dr., MSOP32 wrote:
> Hello,
> I just downloaded and installed GtkAda 2.8 for Windows. I have a lot of 
> OpenGL code in Ada and want to control the OpenGL applications by a 
> GUI developed using GtkAda instead of keyboard and mouse. 
> I use:
> OS: Windows XP professional
> OpenGL via the binding of David Holm
> GLUT 3.2
> To try out the example in testgtk\opengl I'm missing the 
> packages GDK.GL and GTK.GlArea. Can someone give me a hint what to do to 
> use OpenGL windows in win32?
> Is it simply possible or have I to perform a dozen install steps before?
> Can I use the GDK.GL and GTK.GlArea packages I found in an older version 
> of GtkAda (1.3.12)?
> I also scanned the GtkAda mailing list archives, found the discussion of 
> this topic but no solution.

I guess it is the discussion i was involved in.
You have to find out how to compile the GtkAda_gl extension on Windows,
and i can not help you with that, sorry :-(
And no it is probely not a good idea to use older versions.

Poul-Erik Andreasen

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