[gtkada] Tooltips for Status_Bars do not pop up
Schroeer, Joachim Dr., MSOP32
Joachim.Schroeer at eads.com
Wed Jul 18 16:55:44 CEST 2007
Dear GtkAda team members,
I am experimenting with tooltips and have problems to get them working for Status_Bars. The tip windows do not pop up. My code looks like this.
with gtk. ...;
package <Window>_Pkg is
type <Window>_Record is new Gtk_Window_Record with record
Vb_Main : Gtk_Vbox;
Main_Statusbar : Gtk_Statusbar;
Tooltips : Gtk_Tooltips;
end record;
with gtk. ...;
package body <Window>_Pkg is
procedure Initialize (<Window> : access <Window>_Record'Class) is
Gtk_New_Vbox (<Window>.Vb_Main, False, 0);
Add (<Window>, <Window>.Vb_Main);
Gtk_New (<Window>.Main_Statusbar);
Pack_Start (<Window>.Vb_Main, <Window>.Main_Statusbar, False, False, 0);
gtk.tooltips.Gtk_New (<Window>.Tooltips);
Set_Tip (Tooltips => Tooltips,
Widget => <Window>.Main_Statusbar,
Tip_Text => "Main Status Bar: Explanation" & ascii,lf & ...);
Enable (Tooltips);
Force_Window (Tooltips)
end Initialize;
If the tooltip is attached to the Vbox VB_Main the tip texts do also not appear. If it is attached to <Window> the text appears.
Thanks for any hints.
Dr.-Ing. Joachim Schröer
Defence & Security
D-88039 Friedrichshafen - Germany
Telephone: (++49)(0)7545 8 3912
Fax : (++49)(0)7545 8 4504
e-mail : joachim.schroeer at eads.com
www.eads.com <http://www.eads.com/>
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