[gtkada] pb : conversion (cast) of widget

Annie.Culet Annie.Culet at iut2.upmf-grenoble.fr
Fri Jan 26 10:00:51 CET 2007

/Have a look at the package gtk-type_conversion.ads, which you need to "with" 
in your project for the above to work./

I've done the init from gtk-type_conversion, but I have always a tag 
check failed for the text-view

/Generally speaking, it is probably better and more efficient to store a direct 
instance of your widget into another one rather than access it by name, if 
you can:

    type My_Window_Record is new Gtk_Window_Record with record
        XML : Gtk_Text_View;
    end record;
I don't understand. I've put the widget Text_View with Glade. So I have the description in the XML file.
And, in a procedure callbacks,  I want to write something in it (something like set_text(get_buffer(....)).

Do you suggest that for that kind if widget, I have to create it (new...) and then add it to a container ?
With Glade, suppose my container is a VBox. I've put the text_view at position 3.
I'm looking with a very easy solution for the students.
Thanks for help


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