[gtkada] pb : conversion (cast) of widget

Annie.Culet Annie.Culet at iut2.upmf-grenoble.fr
Tue Jan 23 10:53:18 CET 2007

I use Glade-3 and Glade.XML. On Linux (Debian)
I have no problem to get widget like window, entry, label, radio_button, 
check_button :
entry_name : Gtk_GEntry;
entry_name := Gtk_Entry (Get_Widget (XML,-"myWidgetName"));
I have a conversion problem with others like Text_View.  When I do
text_view_name : Gtk_Text_view;
text_view_name := Gtk_Text_View (Get_Widget (XML,-"myWidgetName"));
I get a :  tag check failed .

So I put a pragma suppress (All_Checks) , and now
I get a : stack overflow

How can I do ????
I begin to use Glade with my students next week. Help !!!!
Annie Culet

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