[gtkada] GTK GL Extension

poulerik poulerik at pea.dk
Thu Jul 20 02:17:34 CEST 2006

Chris Sparks wrote:
> poulerik wrote:
>> Chris Sparks wrote:
>>> Poul-Erik Andreasen wrote:
>>>> Chris Sparks wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> Has anyone successfully been able to use GTK and GL together?  
>>>>> Even better if in Ada.
>>>> the binding package AdaOpenGL locatet at
>>>> http://adaopengl.sourceforge.net/index.php
>>>> Has a demo includet wich use GtkAda.
>>>> I have try it, and it compiles and run fine.
>>>> I do however  find the layout of the program bad and confusing.
>>> This seems to be just the Openg GL and Ada together.  I wanted to 
>>> basically run OpenGL and GTK
>>> with Ada.  I am using Windows XP.
>> No it is not. Go into the subdirectory called examples/adagtkgl
>> The progrma here uses GtkAda. I haven't however tried it on windows.
>> Bu this shuld not couse problems.
>> Poul-Erik Andreasen
> I found what you were talking about, however, when I tried to compile 
> it I have a problem
> in that Gtk.GLArea is undefined.
> It doesn't exist in the binding.  I am going to search the web to see 
> if something exists.
> Chris
That's right. I remember there is something special here. You wil need the
libery libgtkada_gl. It is a part of the GtkAda package but it compile 
And you might need some special compile options to make it properly.
But i am not quite sure how this works on Windows. 
You may look into the user guide or the makefile.

Poul-Erik Andreasen

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