[gtkada] GTK GL Extension

graphics at curts.mailshell.com graphics at curts.mailshell.com
Wed Jul 19 16:01:23 CEST 2006

Chris Sparks wrote:

> Poul-Erik Andreasen wrote:
>> Chris Sparks wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Has anyone successfully been able to use GTK and GL together?  Even 
>>> better if in Ada.
>> the binding package AdaOpenGL locatet at
>> http://rd.mailshell.com/adaopengl.sourceforge.net/index.php
>> Has a demo includet wich use GtkAda.
>> I have try it, and it compiles and run fine.
>> I do however  find the layout of the program bad and confusing.
> This seems to be just the Openg GL and Ada together.  I wanted to 
> basically run OpenGL and GTK
> with Ada.  I am using Windows XP.
> Chris 

I have not installed GtkAda on Windows lately, but my recollection is 
that on Windows the optional GtkAda OpenGL lib is not configured by 
default and thus is not built and installed out of the box.  Can someone 
at AdaCore monitoring this list confirm whether this is still true?

If so, perhaps some documentation needs to be added to the Windows 
GtkAda distribution's readme or installation files providing guidance on 
how to build the GtkAda OpenGL support for the Windows platform?  I 
attempted to build this lib myself two years ago, but ended up 
abandoning the effort when our project's focus shifted from Windows to 
Solaris 8.


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