[gtkada] Problem writing a librsvg Ada binding

Damien Carbonne aetdcarbonne at free.fr
Thu Dec 28 15:22:18 CET 2006

Jeffrey Creem a écrit :
> First one thought that might be helpful. Within the source 
> distribution for GtkAda there is a perl script which helps build 
> bindings to Gtk/Glib libraries. (generate.pl). Not sure if it will be 
> helpful in this case, but it is worth knowing about.
> Now, as for your specific question, any chance that g_type_init 
> normally gets called behind the scenes by calls to   Gtk.Main.Init.
> What I mean is that perhaps Gtkada does not bind to it because it 
> binds to something like GtkInit that calls that routine for it?
> This is an uninformed guess so take it as a suggestion of something to 
> try (Calling Gtk.Main.Init). Perhaps you are already doing this but I 
> could not tell from the example.

It was too late yesterday, and I didn't notice a compilation error message.
Calling SRVG.Init makes everything work.


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