[gtkada] Newbie need help

Reynald Borer reynald.borer at eivd.ch
Fri May 27 11:24:36 CEST 2005


Thanks for your help, I've looked at your code (and some documentation I
found), and now it works well.

It seems that I was trying to draw directly in a Gdk_Window instead of
drawing inside the Pixmap I defined.


Preben Randhol wrote:

>On Tue, May 24, 2005 at 02:20:49PM +0200, Reynald Borer wrote:
>>Hello everyone,
>>I'm trying to do some basic graphical stuff with GtkAda like drawing
>>lines and points, etc...
>>But I'm not able to make my code works, the only things it displays is a
>>black window. Can you help me please ?
>>Attached to this mail you'll find my code. I hope someone will be able
>>to help me because I'm getty more and more crazy with this stuff...
>Hi. I'm a bit pressed for time at the moment, so I don't have time today
>to debug your code. I have attached the code for my clock that I made in
>GtkAda. I use drawing there so you can have a look and see if you
>understand it. If not let me know and I'll look at your code a bit later
>this week.
>PS: I have attached the code as tar-ball and zip as you didn't say if
>you use Linux or Windows.

Reynald Borer <reynald.borer at eivd.ch>
Responsable ravitaillement - AGE-EIVD
http://age.eivd.ch/ - <ravit.age at eivd.ch>

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